Your Time Matters

Hello Dear Friends,


In our journey towards making the most of our time, we often focus on overcoming procrastination. In doing so, we tend to overlook the fact that our lack of productivity can be an even greater time thief. In fact, many reasons could account for the time you waste on a day-to-day basis, for instance:

  • A study published by Stanford University has shown that multitasking is far more counterproductive than monotasking

  • Lacking organization and clarity about our priorities leaves us feeling lost and indecisive about which tasks we should work on during the day

  • Obviously, an environment flooded with distractions that we’re unable to resist leaves us tempted to check the notifications on our phone, go on social media and so on

  • Early stages of a burnout can also lead to a mental strain and reduced focus


In a study published by the University of Washington, Dr Sophie Leroy introduced the concept of attention residue, where lingering focus on previous, unresolved tasks or distractions will inevitably affect your current concentration and overall productivity.


In order to overcome this problem, I want to introduce you to the powerful Pomodoro Technique. This method involves breaking your work into focused intervals, usually 25 to 40 minutes (with no distractions whatsoever), followed by a short 5-minute break (preferably a walk). Once you've completed your task, you can take a longer break of 10 to 15 minutes (that includes your distractions).


That's not all, in my self-improvement classes, I delve into a treasure trove of techniques beyond this one. So if you're ready to address these challenges and much more, I made it my priority to support you on that journey by inviting you to discover my courses and personalized sessions


Productivity is an Uphill Battle


Content Addiction is Holding you Back